This article tells you what to do if Norton Utilities or another vendor's emergency startup disk fails or isn't compatible with Macintosh models that require a System Enabler. Follow these instructions to create a startup disk (emergency boot disk) to use with any Macintosh model running versions of System 7.
Usually there isn't enough room on a 1.44MB floppy disk for System, Finder, AND an application. Here are instructions on how to make them fit on a floppy disk:
1) Run the system software Installer for the type of Macintosh you
have. It doesn't matter if your Macintosh came with system software
on floppy disk (Install Me First disk) or on a CD-ROM. If you install
from a floppy disk, expect some disk swapping (the program ejects
a disk and asks you to insert another disk).
2) Install a "Minimum" System (for your specific Macintosh) on a 1.44 MB
floppy disk. You can find this in the Custom installation
options. This gives you the smallest possible System file,
which should be under 750K for system software version 7.1.
3) Move the System file and System Enabler (if your Macintosh needs
one) out of the System Folder to the root level of the disk (the
same level as the System Folder). Drag the rest of the System
Folder to the Trash, AND choose Empty Trash from the Special menu.
4) Copy your application to the disk and change the application's name
to Finder. You should have three items on the disk:
• System
• System Enabler (if needed)
• Finder (which is really your application now)
It is important that these items are at the root level of the disk
and not within a System Folder, other folder, or on the desktop.
5) Restart your Macintosh with the startup disk you just created. Your
Macintosh should start up in the application you placed on the
floppy disk.
This article is one of many available through the Apple Fax center. For a complete list of available Fax documents, search the Tech Info Library for Apple Fax Document Index or call the Apple Fax line at 1-800-505-0171 and select document number 20000 (Apple Fax - Document Index - Product Support Literature). The Apple Fax center is available free of charge 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Article Change History:
01 Jul 1996 - Added Fax Doc Word
12 Oct 1994 - Added keyword; made additional updates.
04 Aug 1994 - Removed QRG from the title. Verified contents match fax doc.